Originally posted by islamispeace
Both you and your "800 pound gorilla" are suffering from denial. Any person with an ounce of reason will see that you are chasing your own tail and making a fool out of yourself. You know in school when you take an exam and leave a question blank, you get the question wrong! You have failed to refute the arguments I have raised and instead simply repeat the same tired, old arguments.

This is just more ad hominem abuse and idle words. It's nothing more than a tacit admission that you can't answer my argument which I have reduced to down to an ultra-succint formulation:
An inccoruptible God can only produce an incorruptible word.
Originally posted by islamispeace
the contradictions in the Bible
the contradictions in the Bible
If the Bible has contradictions then you and I both need to become Atheists becasuse:
Jesus says the Bible has no contradictions:
ου δυναται λυθηναι η γραφη ΚΑΤΑ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΝ 10:35
the Scripture cannot be broken John 10:35
and the Quran specifically confirms this statement:
He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel.
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